
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Fill your Own Tortilla Night ( Black Bean Burritos )

Tortilla Buffet to accommodate lots of special diets.
This is a great meal to serve when you need to please a lot of different palates - or accommodate more than one allergy or special diet. This meal can be made gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, sugar-free, vegan, or - for that matter - Low Carb, Paleo or Atkins (!) - not that I recommend it - but you can't always choose your friends' or families' diets. Each diner customizes his or her plate to taste. It is a delicious family-friendly, and budget-friendly meal that seems to please everyone - but is also quick and easy to prepare. It's great for informal, friendly gatherings - and can be made for a crowd, if need be.

Simple Black Beans
Combine all in pot, simmer till blended and sauce thickens a little, 10-20 minutes
1 bag (12 oz) frozen pepper & onions * 
4 cloves garlic, minced
3 cans (15.5 oz each) black beans, drained, or 4 1/2 cups home-prepared
1 can chopped tomatoes, with juice
1 Tablespoon Taco Seasoning (more or less to taste) **
Water as needed - usually 1/2 cup to 1 cup - shouldn't be soupy- only a little saucy for covering rice.

Serve with: cooked rice, tortillas, shredded lettuce, tomatoes, salsa, hot sauce - etc - see below.

* In place of bag of frozen Peppers & Onions, you may use one diced onion and one diced bell pepper. If you're using fresh, you may saute them till they're tender before adding other ingredients - but that's not necessary if you use frozen.

Vegan Black Bean Burrito
** Instead of Taco Seasoning, you may substitute: 11⁄2 tsp ground cumin, 1 tsp dried oregano, 1 tsp smoked or regular paprika, ¼ tsp pepper - and, if you prefer to use store bought to homemade Taco Seasoning, that is fine, too.

Make a meal by setting out whichever of the following suit your diners:

Tortilla Buffet
Simple Black Beans
Rice (I understand the low-carb folk like a fake  Rice made from Cauliflower)
Wheat Tortillas
Corn Tortillas (for the Gluten-free folk)
Shredded Lettuce of your choice
Diced Tomato
Diced Avocado
For the Omnivores & Lacto-Ovo Crowd:
Taco-Seasoned Ground Beef
Diced, Grilled Chicken
Shredded "Mexican" or Cheddar Cheese
Sour Cream

And, for Everyone, Baked Tortilla Chips and Salsa

I'm sharing this on Kids in the Kitchen, Everyday Entrees for Around $5., 
Kid Friendly Meals


  1. I'm taking a pregnant mommy break and catching up on blogs. :) You are quite the poster! I like having make your own burrito night too since I can cater to the picky eater and dietary needs. I put out everything you put out plus pinto beans, spinach, corn, and quinoa.

  2. This is a great idea and would be great for a party. Black beans are a big thing in my house.... Love them.

    1. Thanks for the encouraging words!

      We usually just serve it for family dinners at home, but this *would* be great for a party! : )


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