
Monday, July 8, 2013

Ten Minute Summer Cornbread ( Stove Top Cornbread without an Oven )

Cornbread Wedges - Made on the Stove Top in Ten Minutes,
Start to Finish!
In our house, we try to turn the oven off for the summer & keep it off. It's better for the electric bill to not have the air conditioner go to war against the oven. It's also better for the environment. We make the occasional exception, but generally we try to be oven-free in summer.

But, recently I wanted to serve barbecue for dinner. And, to me, barbecue just NEEDS cornbread to be a complete meal.

I did a quick internet search for stove top cornbread, but the results I got were for 40 minutes in an electric skillet (which I don't own). Not much of an improvement over using the oven  : (

So, since necessity is the mother of invention,  I devised this super quick & easy method of making cornbread in a skillet : )

Essentially, you're just making a HUGE pancake, and cutting it in wedges to serve. A lid on the skillet lets it cook through, since it's thicker than the average pancake.

Ten Minute Summer Cornbread
Heat 10" Nonstick skillet over medium heat
Putting a lid on the skillet helps the thick cornbread cook
all the way through.
While skillet heats, stir together, till lumps are mostly gone
1 rounded cup of Vegan Cornbread Mix
1 cup of Water
1 Tablespoon (optional) oil with light flavor (such as Sunflower)*
(Batter should be the consistency of a fast-food milkshake. If it's too thick or too thin, adjust mix/water till it's right)
Pour batter into hot skillet (it should be hot just as when making pancakes - a drop of water should bounce & sizzle when dropped into the skillet)
Place lid on, and allow to cook for about 5 minutes, till the surface is bubbly and begins to get a little dry around the edges. Lift the edge with a spatula and peak under - the bottom of the bread should be golden brown.
Flip bread with a spatula, cover and allow to cook on the other side - 2 to 3 minutes.
Remove from skillet, place on cutting board. Cool for a few minutes then cut in wedges.

Stove Top Summer Cornbread as it finishes cooking
Here you can see how much it resembles a huge pancake.
*A note about oil in this recipe: I have made this recipe with and without oil. With oil, the bread is more tender. Without, it is a little chewier. If you want slightly crispy edges (as traditional for southern cornbread) adding a tablespoon or so of oil to the skillet before adding the batter will produce that result. But, if you avoid or minimize oil for health reasons, you can still get a beautiful, tasty, golden brown loaf (as pictured at left) with no oil at all.

This is being shared on
Clever Chicks Blog Hop, My Meatless Mondays, What to do Weekends, Slightly Indulgent Tuesdays, Anti-Procrastination Tuesdays, Simple Living Wednesdays, Penny Pinching Party, Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways, Weekend Wonders, Healthy Vegan Fridays, Wildcrafting Wednesdays, Hearts for Home, Homemaking Linkup


  1. Wow. Love this. Keep cool. Linda

  2. This is fantastic! Wonderful idea and photos! I haven't been lucky with bakey type things but this sounds like something I would TRY :)

  3. Hi Ana,
    That looks easy and quick. I think I'll have to give it a try. But in the mean time I'll Pin it.
    Thanks for sharing,

    1. Thanks so much for the pin - somehow it makes me feel happy to see my stuff pinned out there : )

  4. Your 10 minute cornbread if very intriguing, definitely a recipe I am going to try. I love cornbread and to have it made so fast will sure be a help to a busy household. Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week; I hope you’ll join us again!

    Kathy Shea Mormino

    The Chicken Chick

    1. Thanks so much for hosting - I always enjoy your blog hop : )

  5. Skillet cornbread made like a big pancake? Brilliant! I'm *SO* gonna try this! Thanks for sharing. (Visiting from Simple Living Wednesday)

    ~Taylor-Made Ranch~
    Wolfe City, Texas

    1. So nice to see you here - I've read your blog several times, and just subscribed : )

  6. Thanks so much to ALL of you for dropping by & making sweet comments. I hope ya'll enjoy this. It has helped me put dinner on the table FAST more than once lately : )

  7. Somthing to try, looks amazing! :)

  8. I was searching for stove-top baking ideas and came across your post! Great job! Many of the recipes I found were for longer cooking times, and I agree, that doesn't save much on the heat generation or fuel use. I'm hoping to use your method as part of a meal that can be prepared over a camp stove. Grace and peace!

    1. Thanks so much for dropping by! Delighted that you like my recipe. Hope that you have a great camping trip : )


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