
Monday, March 17, 2014

MYO Wrinkle Remover Spray & Anti Static Spray

Wrinkle Remover Spray with a before & after pair of trousers
When I was young, I spent an entire year ironing for a living. I'm good at ironing, and I really don't mind the physical task of ironing. But, I do see it as one of the most futile parts of housekeeping, and for that reason, I seldom do it. No one really enjoys pointless work.

I recently discovered a way to even further reduce the time I spend ironing.

As you can see in the picture - this really produces amazing results!

But, besides saving time, this method is also better for the environment, for your budget, & can be better for allergies. In addition to removing wrinkles from clothes, you can selectively treat certain garments for static- rather than adding Fabric Softener to every load of laundry. If you have one family member who is allergic, and cannot have fabric softener on the skin - it doesn't have to go on their clothes. Besides which, quite frequently only 1 or 2 items in a load of laundry even need fabric softener!

This is also a great method to reduce your ironing after you hang laundry to dry instead of using the dryer - another environmental bonus!

I found this many years ago in one of the volumes of Tightwad Gazette by Amy Dacyzyn. 

This is what you do:

MYO Wrinkle Remover & Anti Static Spray

Find a Standard Spray Bottle (1 pint size)
Put in 1 ounce Liquid Fabric Softener (I use a "Free and Clear" Variety)
Fill up to the 20 ounce mark with Water

That's it! : )

When you have a wrinkled garment, hang it on a hanger. Lightly spray it all over (till slightly damp) with the Wrinkle Remover Spray. Stretch and smooth with your hands. Allow to air dry.

Do not use this on polished Silk or other very delicate fabric which might be harmed by water spots.

Additional tip (from a former co-worker) : If you are a lady who still wears nylon stockings (I realize they're out of fashion with some), and find that your skirt gets static-y - carry a tube of hand lotion in your purse. When you have a static attack away from home, smooth a little lotion  on the outside of your stockings, and the problem will disappear! 

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 Inspire Us at Organized 31

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 Fabulously Frugal Thursday 

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  1. I had forgotten this recipe..........and we really need it, so thank you.....glad you mentioned the free and clear since we have allergies to fabric softener perfumes(they make them SO strong!) Thank you for sharing this. Gentle Joy

    1. So glad you like it! I have some skin sensitivity issues myself, so I understand not wanting to coat ALL your laundry in a heavy scent! : ) So glad you stopped by!

  2. I am amazed you iron that well. I could never pass my mom's inspections. Now I iron the church linens, but they are totally flat. Thanks for linking this idea to What'd You Do This Weekend.


    1. Thanks a bunch! It's nice to know that with this stuff you really don't HAVE to iron very much ; )

  3. Great idea! We never had static in CA, but we moved to WNY in December, and our clothes are a mess. I wear a lot of performance fabrics as a runner. The synthetic fibers are very prone to static cling. I refuse to use dryer sheets.

    1. Thanks for visiting! I don't run, but I use some of those same fabrics because they are warm in winter & cool in summer, and therefore great for layering! You're right, they do get static-y. Delighted you like the idea : )

  4. Clever indeed!!!!! I love it when you post tips like this!

  5. Very clever! Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

  6. Hi Anna,
    I grew up with ironing as my weekly chore and I grew to hate ironing. As an adult I have managed to not iron anything anymore somehow through careful washing, hanging, flattening or steaming techniques, therefore I love your tip for easily removing wrinkles. Thank you so much for sharing this on the Healthy, Happy, Green & Natural Blog Hop! I appreciate it!

  7. I've missed the anti-static spray since I no longer buy chemical stuff, so I'm glad to find a MYO solution! Thank you for sharing this at the HomeAcre Hop; I hope you'll join us again this Thursday.
    Kathi at Oak Hill Homestead


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