
Monday, October 31, 2016

Easy, No Knead Vegan Cinnamon Roll Crescents

Easy, No Knead Vegan Cinnamon Roll Crescents
Who doesn't love Cinnamon Rolls? And, who doesn't love easy?

These Cinnamon Crescents are quick and easy. I keep the No Knead Vegan Brioche type dough in my refrigerator - it takes less than 10 minutes to make the dough - and I can have a batch of these in the oven in a matter of minutes. They're tender, moist, and pull apart in layers.

The use of Tapioca Starch, Potato, and Sugar tenderizes & moisturizes the dough, and make a moist, tender, fluffy roll without the use of oil or eggs.  

It is SOOO easy to make - and produces such spectacular results! This recipe produces about 3 dozen Crescent Rolls (if you'd like a smaller batch, scroll down)

This is the same dough I use for several other breads on this site, so you can make a big batch and keep it on hand to use for lots of different breads.

Easy, No Knead, Vegan Cinnamon Roll Crescents

Easy, No Knead, Vegan Crescent Roll Dough **** (Scroll Down for Smaller Batch)
This recipe makes about 3 dozen rolls, or 18 rolls & 1 large Challah.
Measure into a 6 quart container*, in this order
3 Cups Warm Water (baby bath water temperature. If in doubt, make it too cool rather than too warm)
5 1/4 Cups Unbleached, All Purpose Flour
1/4 Cup Tapioca Starch (you can substitute Cornstarch, if you like)
1 Cup Potato Flakes (yes, that's right, the stuff people use to make Instant Mashed Potatoes)
1/2 Cup Sugar*****
1 Tablespoon Yeast
1 Tablespoon Salt
Stir well with a spoon till no patches of dry Flour remain.

The dough should look like this right after you stir it.

Cover loosely with lid (don't fasten so securely that it cannot "breathe")
Leave it on the counter for 2 to 5 hours.
Now, put it in the fridge till you're ready to use it **

The dough should look like this after it has sat out on the counter for 2 to 5 hours.

Note - do not "Punch Down" this kind of dough. 

When you're ready to bake the bread, remove it from the refrigerator and dust it VERY WELL with Flour. This is a moist, sticky dough, so don't be afraid to use lots of Flour!

Oil your pan (I use a Perforated, Non-stick Pizza Pan, like this one for baking)

Take one pound of dough (1/4 of the large batch or 1/2 of the small batch) and roll out in a rectangle that is approximately 8"x12".

Roll Dough out into Rectangle.

Spread the Dough with your choice of either Apple Sauce (for oil free) or Buttery Spread, and sprinkle VERY generously with a mixture of Cinnamon & Sugar ***** (I use 1 Part Cinnamon to 4 Parts Sugar). I have tried both Apple Sauce (about 1/4 cup for a batch) & Buttery Spread variations - and they taste the same to me - so don't hesitate to use the Apple Sauce if you're avoiding oil : )

Cut in long, thin triangles. A pizza cutter works great for this job, or just a large Chef's knife that you can press down and cut the dough without pulling.

Roll each triangle up and place it on the pan.

Leave to rise for 30 to 60 minutes (the last time I made these, I only let them rise about 15 minutes - they were still great : )

Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit, and bake in the middle of the oven, without steam for 35-40 minutes.

Upon removing from the oven, you may brush with a buttery spread (or Tapioca Wash for oil free variation) , if you desire.

Then, Drizzle with a Simple Glaze:
Use about a cup of Powdered Sugar and an optional spoonful of Buttery Spread. Add several drops of Vanilla & a dash of Salt - add just enough Non-Dairy Milk to make spreadable. Microwave about 10 seconds to and stir again for optimal smoothness. Then Drizzle over the rolls. If you want to make it pretty, put it in a Zippered Bag and cut a tiny hole in the corner to squeeze the Drizzle onto the Rolls. If you're more casual, just use a fork dripped in drizzle to make little decorations on the rolls.The glaze will melt if applied to hot rolls - if you want to make them pretty, wait for them to cool. But they're tasty either way!

Small Batch Easy, No Knead Vegan Crescent Rolls
 (Makes about 18 rolls)
Follow above directions, but use these amounts
I prepare a batch this size in an 8 Cup Container - the one in the above pictures.
Be sure to add in this order:

1 1/2 Cups Warm Water
2 1/2 Cups + 2 Tablespoons Unbleached, All Purpose Flour
2 Tablespoons Tapioca Starch (you can substitute Cornstarch, if you like)
1/2 Cup Potato Flakes
1/4 Cup Sugar *****
1/2 Tablespoon Yeast
1/2 Tablespoon Salt

Stir well, then follow above directions - the same as for a large batch.

* For my 6 Quart Container, I use a new plastic shoe box from the Dollar Store.
** This dough CAN be used the day it is made - but it is a tad easier to shape after it is refrigerated. It is lightest and fluffiest when used within a day or two of when you make it, but I have used it several days later  - a week or more - and still had very good results.
*** If you bake two large pans of rolls at the same time, put one loaf on the middle rack, and one on the bottom rack. Then, set a timer to switch their positions half-way through baking, so that they brown evenly both on the top and on the bottom.
***** I have tested this recipe with a Sucralose Measures-like-Sugar (Splenda or Apriva) and it works well. So if you watch your sugars, feel free to substitute.

I always make bread by the Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day method  (and, I think EVERYONE should own their book!). But, they didn't have a Vegan Brioche-type dough, so I created my own recipe using their method : )

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  1. This looks so good! I am always intimidated by baking but you make it seem so easy. I may have to try these with the holidays coming up :)

    1. So glad you like it - and it's great to see you here again : )

      This recipe really IS quite easy - you'll have a great time making it. Let me know how it turns out : )

  2. I love the idea of this. I've never heard of making dough this way. I'll have to try it because those crescent rolls look yummy! Stopping by from This is How We Roll Thursday. Have a great weekend!

  3. Oh, those look amazing!!! Thanks for sharing this beautiful recipe at Together on Tuesdays :)

  4. Nice! I wish I had all the ingredients on hand.


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