
Monday, November 21, 2016

Kids' Cookie Decorating Party - Vegan Cut Out Cookies

These Cut-Out Sugar Cookies are patted out by the kids : )
Cutting out & decorating Sugar Cookies at Christmas is a great memory-making activity for kids. My little girl and one of her BFFs had a blast making these.

We just used my Slice-and-Bake Dough recipe, and instead of rolling it into a log to slice it, they patted it out into circles and cut it out with cookie cutters.

After they were baked, the kids decorated them with frosting and candies.

If you're looking for a Great Christmas Party idea for kids, try having a Decorate-Your-Own-Cookie party - just set out the baked cookies with the frostings and candies. They'll have a blast!

You can start with your own mix from the pantry (see recipe below), and I've provided both Big and Small Batch recipes for the mix, in case you only want to make cookies this once : )

These are authentic family-made cookies - not those fake-looking things you buy at upscale bakeries for  $5. each!

The BFF's

My little girl's

Vegan Cut-Out Sugar Cookies
2 Cups Stuffedveggies Cookie Mix (see below)
1/3 Cup Oil
1/4 Cup Applesauce
Mix well, then pat balls of dough out evenly into circles big enough for your cookie cutter. Cut out & place on pan. Bake. These don't spread, so no need for much room between cookies.

Baking Directions
These Cookies are mixed with a spoon, then mixed together by hand (I'm sure if you have a fancy machine - like a Kitchen Aid - that would work too!). They're Baked on a Cookie Sheet,  at 350 Degrees Fahrenheit for about 20 minutes - till tops are lightly browned, and bottoms are golden Brown. I bake mine on a non-stick surface, and I don't oil or grease the pan. This year, I'm actually baking these on my non-stick Perforated Pizza Pans - and it's working great!

For a Children's Version of this recipe, check out this post!   (the children's version makes 1 cookie for an Easy-Bake or other brand of toy oven)

Stuffedveggies Cookie & Cake Mix
Shake together in large Canister or Zippered Gallon Bag:
9 Cups All Purpose Flour*
4 Cups Sugar*
2 Tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons Baking Powder
1 teaspoon Salt


Stuffedveggies SMALL Batch Cookie & Cake Mix
Measure into canister or Zipper Bag, shake & store
 2 1/4 cups Flour
1 cups Sugar
2 teaspoons Baking Powder
1/4 teaspoon Salt

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  1. My boys and I make decorated sugar cookies each Christmas season. It was a tradition my mom started when I was growing up and I always loved it. We "paint" our cookies using evaporated milk with food coloring, lots of sprinkles, and with tons of laughter.

  2. How lovely. What great memories the children will have.


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