
Monday, February 4, 2019

Pokeball Pinata, Quick, Easy, Frugal, No Mess - in under an hour!

Pokeball Pinata, Quick, Easy, Frugal, No Mess- in under an hour!
It's no secret that my daughter LOVES Pokemon! Like most kids, she also loves parties. For years now, she has wanted tp offer a Pinata at a party that she hosted.

I looked for Pokemon-Themed Pinatas online, and they were pricey. Cool, but not my spending style.

I thought about making an old-fashioned Papier Mache Pokeball at home, but I didn't relish the time and mess involved!

So, I devised this work-around. An easy-to-make Pokeball Pinata in well under an hour!

First, I bought a Paper Lantern at the Dollar Tree. I also picked up some Red Tissue Paper, White Tissue Paper, Double Sided Clear Tape, and Black Electrical Tape. Total Cost, about $5., with lots of leftover supplies for other projects : )

At home, I opened the lantern, and cut a couple of pieces of scrap cardboard (from a cereal box) to block the lower opening. It was a simple matter of "weaving" the cardboard under the bottom wire, while putting the ends inside the lantern.

My daughter and I did this project together, one holding while the other taped.

We found the "equator" of the sphere, and used the double sided tape to attach a rectangle of white tissue paper - starting at the equator. Then, creasing and folding the paper, we taped it, shaping it to the form of the sphere, until the bottom was covered, and the bottom opening was concealed.

Then we turned the turned the sphere over, and taped the red around the top edge of the equator, folding and taping to shape to the top half of the sphere, tucking the ends in the top opening (rather than covering it) so that we could fill it later.

Next, we taped the electrical tape around the equator itself, concealing the place where the red and white papers met.

Last, we made the front "button" of the Pokeball, by cutting a circle from the lid of an old 1 Quart Yogurt container. We edged the circle with more electrical tape, and fastened it to the front.


Now, it was a simple matter of pouring goodies into the top opening, and attaching a cord to the top wire to hang it.

The kids loved hitting it with a stick on party day! And it was JUST durable enough to allow several children a chance to smack it, without being SO durable as to frustrate them with it taking too long to burst.

A great time was had by all! The young party guests loved it!

Happy Crafting!

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1 comment:

  1. What a cute and simple idea! I have two huge pokemon fans too. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Encouraging Hearts and Home. Pinned.


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