Monday, December 21, 2015

Last Minute Ideas for a Merry Christmas

Icon of the Nativity of Christ

May you have a Blessed Christmas!

As the Big Day is fast approaching, here are some last minute ideas for a Great Christmas!

1. Celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas this year. 

This takes a lot of pressure off! When I explain to my young daughter that a loved one cannot join us on Christmas Day, she is content and says, "Maybe we can see them one of the OTHER days of Christmas." We enjoy our decorations and festivities for 12 days, not just for one.

Having 12 Days of Christmas avoids the big after-Christmas "letdown"

It also says that the Incarnation of Christ is a BIG event - not something we squeeze into one day!

Here are a couple of great articles with "How To's"
Let's Celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas

It's Not Over Yet from Charming Farming

2. Have a Family Christmas Read Aloud

I encountered this great blog post on Charming Farming - I especially love the Tolstoy Story of Papa Panov. It's a great read aloud for the whole family.

3. Go to Church on Christmas Morning

If you are a Christian, and the first priority of your Family Christmas is getting, consider putting God first this year, and attend Liturgy on Christmas Morning. Everyone knows that St Nicholas is a Saint, and he was a Bishop. He would NEVER miss Liturgy to deliver presents! Of Course the presents show up after he has attended Liturgy ; )

4. Make some quick and easy Fudge for that last minute Gift, Party, or Family Gathering

Easy Vanilla Fudge
Easy Chocolate Fudge
Easy Peanut Butter Fudge
Easy Chocolate Mint Fudge
Easy Maple Walnut Fudge
Easy Microwave Fudge for One 

5. Add some Vegan dishes to your menu

Vegan Holiday Brunch Ideas  

Vegan Christmas Dinner Menu Ideas 

6. Buy ONE more Gift - for someone in need.

Give a gift to a persecuted Christian

Have a Blessed Christmas - all 12 Days of it! : )

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Coffee & Conversation


  1. Love these ideas! Christmas is a season, not a day.

  2. What wonderful ideas! Thank you for sharing them at Tuesdays with a Twist! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures


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